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tv   Your World With Neil Cavuto  FOX News  January 21, 2014 1:00pm-2:01pm PST

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dietary supplement company who was looking to get special treatment from state government. the governor says he and his family have paid the money back. more on this in the afternoon. and final check on wall street thump dow is down close to 50. we'll break in when news breaks out. here's neil. >> in this administration, with more hurricanes, snowstorms, flooding, and disaster of the natural sort, that of any administration i can remember in my lifetime, that we begin the second term in the same way. >> he is not kidding. the polar vortex is back, even though it seems the storms that keep engulfing this governor never left. chris christie starting fresh today, but all that snow he was talking about?
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canceling a lot of christie parties tonight. the home depot cofounder wants to hammer this home and nail it down now. do not, do not, do not feel misty for christie because ken is betting big money that the governor is still going to be president chris christie. >> welcome everybody, and here we go. i'm neil cavuto. this storm not only putting a big chunk of the country on ice, it's putting chris christie's inauguration shindig on otherwise. but not the governor's white house dreams on ice. eric sean on the stormy start to chris christie's second term. >> well, for right now, seems chris christie just can't catch a break. even mother nature is dumping on him. all the snow his inauguration
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party was to be held on the -- el ellis island. today we when the took the oath of office he was greated hugs and kisses, and today the special investigative committee the asemi and state senate have been merged in one committee to investigate all of the allegations, allegations about the bridge closing as well as allegations of the abuse of power by the christie administration. but during his oath of office address the governor did not directly address the scandals in his speech. >> today i thank all those who have once again placed their faith and trust in me and i make this promise. i will not let up. i will insist we work together, and i will make this government truly work for those who pay for it. >> the new joint investigative committee will have more democrats than republicans on it
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there. will be eight democrats on the panel to four republicans. more than double the democrats. officials say 20 officials and former top aides of the good have been subpoenaed to provide documents and potentially testify. month theme the fired deputy cheap chief of staff, bridget kelly, whose e-mails prompt the lane closings. >> we have a major question out there. who ordered bridget kelly to issue her e-mail and why? >> i'm glad that we were able to come to this agreement where we can bring both the senate and assembly together to work for the common purpose of getting to the bottom of the question about abuse of power and attempt to cover up the abuse of power. >> the governor struck bipartisan tones, called for a tack cut for the middle class but the attention in trenton will soon be fixed on the public hearings expected to be held. certainly after the committees
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received all those documents they subpoenaed. the deadline for that demanding february 3rd, so we can expect to see the hearings starting in friend ton. >> just starting. now to the political storm from all of this. a new poll showing, in a 2016 matchup for president -- ill know what your thinking of it's 2014. in 2016, chris christie is trailing hillary clinton. a poll last month showed the two tied. so is home depot cofounder king lingo worried? he held a private meet and greet with the good at his florida home. he joins me now on the phone. ken, good to have you. have new year. >> hi, neil. can i correct one thing? the people that were invited to my home were not fundraisers at all. >> what were they?
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>> they were friends of mine and people that are interested in the country that i wanted to meet governor christie. nothing to do with fundraising at all. >> okay. did they give any my to the governor? >> no. it was not a fundraise. not a nicking. -- not a nickel. instead of calling me a billionaire, call me a charming, warm and fuzzy guy? >> i can't lie. >> i don't want you to lie. you know i'm warm and fuzzy. >> you're 0 wonderful gay and have stuck by chris christie. >> you're damn right. >> when people were peeling off. >> i don't know of anybody peeling off. >> you have an attitude going here, ken. i don't know what happened. >> what i'm saying, neil, not an attitude put you make a statement that is not threw. >> you don't -- among the people you talked to some of them are not getting antsy, we had a goop fundraiser, raising concerns among the crowd they're not sure he'll survive this.
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you think they're wrong. >> he'll survive it. what he said his involvement is what it was: if he lied -- and i'm certain he hasn't lied. what he said is the absolute truth. i trust the map. this will go away. it ought to go away as quickly, at least, as benghazi ought to go iron for hillary clinton or the irs scandal. he has put a stake in the ground. he said i knew nothing about it. that -- by the way, on top of the cocktail party at my home we have an organization where they hold -- the previous high attendance at a form annual they held last year for dick cheney, 530 people showed up. this sups was two big football games and chris was the speaker and 750 people showed up and twice he got standing rounds of applause. standing applause.
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two times. >> were they already people predisposed to like him? >> no. i had people say to me, one woman said to me, damitt, you're wright again. i came here not liking him and i'm going home saying i like this man because he tells the truth. he is believable. look, neil, it's this simple. if the government is involved, even remotely in what happened at the bridge? it's over. it's over. >> but these other things at that time have come to lying -- >> the other things -- >> hear me out. questions about whether other people higher up were involved, maybe stopping well before the governor, the sandy aid money, whether any of it was played around with or exacted or leveraged off. do you think, regardless of whether he escapes this or not, that it just drags on much longer than you --
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>> let me tell you right now, god, neil, you know this better than me. this guy, you only tack the guy that's got the ball. this guy right now is a threat to the democratic part and also to the media. this symbiotic relationship between the media and the politician is part of why america is where it is today in my humble opinion. this guy represents a change in the way things -- look what he has accomplished in new jersey in four years. look at -- with the way, the approval rating has not moved at all. >> it has. >> not much. >> it has dipped six points. >> but still above 50%. >> fair enough you. don't think this has nip lasting -- any lasting damage -- >> it does if he in any way, shape or form, did not give candid and honest statements about what he knew and what his involvement was, he is in trouble. >> do you think he is a bully?
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>> not at all. i think he is bold, neil. i think what he -- >> what's the difference? >> a bully is somebody who beats up on harmless, defenseless people. a bold guy says to a reporter, that's a stupid question. that's being bold, neil. don't confuse being bold with being a bully. he is not a bull y. he is a compassion nat -- >> the impression some people have he might be, you want to disavow them of that nation by sea he an in your face guy. but if he were to run for president do you think that would be as appealing, say in south carolina as it is in south orange, new york? >> absolutely. the american people are fed up with government as it is now, particularly in the south where i have great relationships. i had a bunch of people here the other night from nashville, chattanooga, texas, alabama,
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mississippi. from all over. >> why do tea partyers not like them. >> he said something very interesting the other night. he said what the tea parties want ills what we all should want. fiscally responsible government. education that our children can participate and compete in the world. and a government that is not intrusive in our lives. you want proof of that, neil, this affordable care act -- look at it. it's intruded -- how about the woman that just was told she got breast cancer, and now she has no insurance, and the doctor she was being taken care of by can't take care of her because they aren't covered by the insurance company she had to buy. >> ken, let me flip it around. because the governor has been targeted relentlessly in the media and on the part of the
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left in a perverse sense it rallied on the right who feel that it's been unfair, and that in a weird way this is helped him within the party do you buy that? >> i tell you how i feel about this episode. the good lord willing, he passes it. he'll be stronger, just like -- remember white water and hillary and bill and vince foster and all that stuff? one of the things that gave clinton the growth to where he is today is to take the -- even getting impeached. getting impeached. for a horrific behavior in the white house. and lying to the american -- lying -- you talk about a lie -- >> wait, wait. you're not using bill clinton as a model -- >> no. what i'm suggesting, if it doesn't kill you, it makes you stronger. >> has the told you he is going to run for president?
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>> no. matter of fact he said the other night at this gathering, this forum, look, this is only 2014. i have a lot of work to do as governor. 2016 is a long way away. >> he doesn't run you wasted all your time pushing him. he says no again, then you're a billionaire without juice. >> you might also say -- i don't know what juice is but if you say i haven't got it, haven't got it. any different than backing the guy that decided to run? any working so hard for romney and didn't win the election. >> very good point. >> look, neil, i tell you something right now. the one thing i challenge anybody out there to. show me how i selfishly gained by trying to help a man like this? just show me. i'm 78. the good lord has been more -- given me more blessings i can imagine or count. life has been good, and this
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country was the reason i have had the benefit of all these things. >> i know. this is -- we have known each other long enough for you to assume i'm going to ask a tacky question. >> i know. >> if he becomes president, would you have a roll in his administration? >> absolutely not. you think i'm nut inside why would anybody want to go into public service. a guy like me? >> then why are you trying to hard. >> i think the country needs different leadership. look where we are, neil. look at the mess -- look at entitle -- the other night, 750 people, 80% of them are retired. the question is asked, quote -- by the way i was the guy to ask the question -- >> real quick. >> the question was, quote: do you think entitlement should be means tested. he said, absolutely. no equivocation. we have to think bit -- >> he is like you and you like
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that -- >> no, no, i wish i was like him. he is smart. >> ken, real quick. that means you are holding out on ted cruz, rand paul, all these others. >> what do you mean, holding out. >> would you back them? >> not at all. you want to know why? they're divisive need. to be brought together. look what that's guy did in new jersey. >> i'm going to put you down as a member on president obama but until next time i get you become, it's been a pleasure -- >> remember, remember, it's the warm fuzzy charming guy. have a nice day, neil. >> that is a very nice friend to have in your corner for one chris christie. more after this. of of insurance. that's my geico digital insurance id card - gots all my pertinents on it and such. works for me. turn to the camera. ah, actually i think my eyes might ha... next! digital insurance id cards. just a tap away on the geico app. could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance.
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everybody knows that. well, did you know that when a tree falls in the forest and no one's around, it does make a sound? ohhh...ugh. geico. little help here.
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forget about this storm hitting the northeast. my next guest has focused own th healthcare storm hitting the entire nation. john goodman predicted an
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obamacare death spiral last october, says the spiral has not become any less spiraling. what's your worry right now, john? >> i think the worry is the same for me as it is for the insurance companies, and that is that young, healthy people, are not signing up for insurance, nothing enrolling. instead, older, sicker people are enrolling and the pools will become increasingly expensive. >> you say they're not enrolling but not by the percentages that would require this thing to make mathematical sense. because they're the money that makes this work. and if a few of them are. what happens in play that out. >> the problem is that the obama administration's overcharging the young and undercharging the old, and so a lot of young people looking at the prums and saying, we're not going to sign up. they need in order to make this work, two young people for every older person, and two people in their 20s for every one person
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in their 50s and 60s and they're not getting it, and so that means the costs are going to be he irthan they thought. next years will be -- next year's premium will be higher and people stay away. >> and the entire become -- spiral becomes worst when the company owners send their workers out to -- >> as far as a lot of sick people, we'll dump them into the exchange. that's what the city of detroit is about to do. 30,000 retirees, about to end their post requirement healthcare plan and send all those folks to the exchange. they're older, sicker, costs go up. >> i was talking to steny hoyer, number two ranking democrat in the house and other democrats who say the enrollments are picking up steam. six months from now everything
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john goodman says is going to seem like an old worry. what do you think? >> well, i would say that people aren't worried enough because the risk -- there's a federal risk pool established for people who are sick, it's going to end in a month or so. and those people go to exchanges, and states with risk pools end soon and those good on the exchange. the cities like detroit that promised benefits they can't pay for, they going to dump people on the exchange. a lot of employers do the same. so i have a fear that the pool is just going to be a sicker and sicker, which means more and more costly. >> the other fear is that insurance companies push back against, will almost have be to bailed out. republicans have the measure to avoid just that sort of scenario, but how likely drew think that is? >> the republicans don't have the votes to get it passed, and what the obama administration will do subsidize the insurance companies, but that means more
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taxpayer costs, and there's a limit to how much the taxpayers can bail out the insurance companies. >> well, all right. so spiral still on, john goodman still here. thank you, john, i think. >> yes, sir. >> take a look at this. this is not global warming. but this is economic cooling. all this snow? might as well kiss this flaky recovery goodbye. open to ambition. open to boldids. that's why n york has a new plan -- dozens of tax free zones all across the state. move here, expand here, or start a new business here and pay no taxes for ten years... we're new york. if there's something that creates more jobs, and ows more businesses... we're open to it. start a tax-free business at
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lovely read susan. may i read something? yes, please. of course. a rich, never bitter taste cup after cup. 340 grams. [ sighs ] [ male announcer ] always rich, never bitter. gevalia.
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winds are whipping, snow is falling virtually everything in its path is closing. so janice dean on how ugly this latest round of old man winter is getting. we should be getting used to this. >> feels like ground hog day. every other week we're talking about a new winter storm and
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another round of arctic air. the storm is not offshore and will get winded up new next couple of hours hours and bring perhaps up to a foot or more in new york city, massachusetts, upward of 14-inches of snow. so all of the big cities still seeing the snow fly, and the deeper shades here, the purplish areas, that's heavy snow. one to two inches an hour, which could bring up the snow totals from our prediction. so four to eight for d.c. they received already over two inches most snow they have seen in three years for d.c. 10-14 for coastal new jersey, including philadelphia. as well as eastern long island, 10-14 here, up towards coastal massachusetts where we have blizzard warnings in effect, winds in excess of 35-50 miles-per-hour. you'll seal to the blizzard conditions continuing with 20,
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30, 40 miles-per-hour winds and that also means wind chill well below zero. minus 10 to minus 30 across the northeast as this next arctic plunge moves through the region. back to you. >> here we go again. the federal government certainly taking no chance with all this, closing offices, and airlines are waiving fees as they hack flights. >> most definitely an economic chill. you look at the streets behind me, neil, relatively calm at this hour. not the case at the airports across the country. as of this hour, more than 3300 flights have been cancelled. about the same delay. looking for tomorrow. more than 500 flights tomorrow, already cancelled. if you take a look at the airports, really feeling the
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brunt of cancellations. la guardia in new york, philadelphia international, and newark airport. that's just the airlines. janice said we're getting used to this arctic chill and this snow. look at what happened in early january, the polar vortex, that cost the u.s. economy $5 billion in lost productivity, restaurants and retailers really suffering. during that time the cold weather kept so many cold people home, 200 enemy people in this part of the country affected. thesing alreadies we're watching. businesses that can do well in times like this, same-day delivery companies and the home centers, home depot says they have plenty of ice melt, snow shovels, and snow blowers. i called one in long island and they're out of snow blowers already. >> that wouldn't surprise me. thank you very much. in the marchtime, art says everyone can relax. don't get your snow pads in a bunch. this economic chill, which is real, tends to be temporary.
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explain, art. >> except for one thing, neil. there's a real huge shortage of fruit that will happen next year because all the fruit trees have flows 'their little buds off. >> that's right. you worry the frozen economic activity. airplanes that can't take off workers can get to work, that is ultimately made up for down the road. right? >> most of it will be, yes. obviously there will be some net effect, when you close school, if they don't have makeup days or stuff like that, but most of this will just be temporary. it's still very cold temporary. and it will make this quarter a little bit worse than it otherwise should be. remember, it's february and march. >> we have had a bunch of these storms in rapid sequence, and if they drag on they quake the quart -- they affect the quarters daz a.
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seriously or -- >> in this corner state it may be serious. i don't think in the long term it matters very much at all. just for your sake, i live two blocks down the street from my dear friend, al gore. so it's going to affect his area. these numbers are serious. >> he is your dear friend? >> yeah. i did a little brrb on his book. i like him a lot. i don't think today he makes a very good case for global warming. >> the new theory this kind of weather does make the case because it can be very hot or cold. you can have your cake and eat it, too. >> you've can't have it all ways. it's warming or it's not. mayor in the '50s? >> i'm too young. >> they had this proposing bus of global freezing, they wanted to put soot on all the polar caps and have planes drop soot
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sod warmed up the earth more. it's amazing how these things go threw swings but it will not affect the year-long gdp. >> thank you very much, art. little history lesson besides. >> shoppers at a loss and hackers cashing in. the latest arrest that might just show up what happens after these big breaches. let's just say hold on to your wallet. óqoqúúñ@
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all right. we are in earning searches folks. four times a year the biggest and best public companies report their numbers. their report card. everyone was scrutinizing this closely, including the headline marquee names like ibm, numbers that slightly beat what profit we were expecting to see, up six percent to a tad north of $6 billion. revenues were okay. what we always look at in the numbers, the guidance the company will give you, the guidance ibm gave us, this year will we what it was so don't look for much revenue growth or huge profit surge. so ibm being fairly conservative, one thing that is weighing on its stock after the trading day. we'll see if that continues
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tomorrow. >> after the hacking, the arresting, new information they just told us where they stolen data was going and who was getting their hands on it. casey has the story. >> we're learning texas and mexico may be involved here, but the operative word is "may." there's conflicting information between a local police chief and the fedes. but we know there have been an arrest two people in mcallen texas, 27-year-old mary garcia, and 28-year-old daniel dominguez, arrested trying to cross the mexican boredder into the united states, and with them, 96 counterfeit credit cards police say used to spend 0 tens of thousands of dollars at best buy, toys 'r' us. the cards containing the account information of some south texas residents. police chief saying some of the fraudulent accounts contained
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information that was stolen in the massive target security breach but the chief explaining he believes there was a sense of urgency to use the hacked accounts because the breach has been so widely publicized. but according to the "associated press," a federal official speaking on the condition of anonhim -- anonymity hey says tt connection between these arrests and the tarring breach. >> thank you, casey. cyber security analyst says this is the next big threat no your financial security and now it would appear it's out of control. >> it is. the problem is that whenever you're transferring money by credit card it can be at risk, and hackers know that and that's where they're going after, to get the money. >> they seem to do a beeline for our country. is that pause we don't have this
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encrypted chip tick nothing in -- technology in our credit cards that europeans have? >> it's not that difficult to steal the information. what the chip and pin makes it difficult to do is take that information and convert it to an annual physical card. but the real reason they go after american cards is because we have lots of money. >> well there is that. leave it to you to put us back in reality. one other reality i'm wondering whether. whether all of this is a warmup act for something more sinister. i'm not in the black helicopter crowd but these attacks on retailers is like a test to see how far they can go and what next they can tap into, and i think they're discovering how easy this is, whether this is coming from abroad in eastern europe or russia or whenever, that they're getting ready for something big. my only question is what? >> there are all kinds of probing attacks and the same
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tools and techniques are used to break in to steal money and information that are opportunity in for cyberwarfare and espionage and the like you have to break in and steal something. >> they're stealing is. thank you very much. in the meantime, something old, and something new. something borrowed, and a government review. how one state is looking to make getting hitched a real headache. for your own good. [ me announcer ] this is the story
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drew take this young man to but your lawfully wedded husband? in sickness and health? >> uh-huh. >> for richer or poorer. >> i do. i take him. >> naughty. >> oh, sure, that wedding may fly in vegas, but one state may be on the verge of stopping them outright.
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colorado is considering a proposal that would require engaged couples to taped a ten-hour marriage education class before getting hitched. second marriage, 20 hours, third marriage, 40 hours, fourth marriage, they execute you. can they too that? this attorney says they can. rebecca says no, they can't. it's unconstitutional. how is that? >> look, you have a fundamental right to be married. they're protected rights we have, and there aren't requirements to do so other than getting a license and some basic things. having some sort of 20-hour class and teaching you how to be married, who is going to tell you what their right guidelines? that becomes more of a religious issue and then the church and state separation that we have in the constitution. really prohibits us from tell -- >> maybe they're trying to address the largingly high divorce rate and remind young couple -- >> they can do. so major is something you go into, you have to get a license
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anyway. many states, the majority of states, man tate you have certain kinds of education before you can get divorced if you have children. how can they mandate you have certain -- >> states with pot. >> would be an interesting class. >> maybe you should try really hard. so, where does this. >> you can see the benefits of it. teach people what it's all about. >> but do i want the government to tell me what a marriage is? >> you're okay with the church, the catholic church -- >> you choose it. >> that one thing. but the state -- >> once the state starts doing it, it becomes a big brother issue. >> there's that issue. >> there's no one saying you have to pass a test. >> why do they assume in a second marriage or third marriage you need this twice or three times -- >> with each marriage the risk of divorce goes up and there's a
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state's interest in prohibiting divorce because of the impact on children, the found that is actually pushing this is kid against divorce. >> isn't this always about money? >> sure. becomes something -- where is the content. not does someone have to good, a driver's education class? the content is to benefit the drivers on the road. >> are. >> one of the instructors been married seven times. eelizabeth taylor. >> tell us what marriage is really about. >> the question is what is the content? that's not clear under at the terms. if teaching conflict resolution and how to create a budget and avoid'm domestic violence -- >> it's not the state's role. >> that's he state's right if they can man ted you have to have a type of education to get a divorce. 27 states have that kind of rule if you have children. >> if you have children who work through the divorce and work through some suspects -- aspects
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but to get married we're putting a burden on people that constitution yalely is not there. >> the constitutional right to marriage is -- the right this. how butt how -- marriage isn't at institution, why shouldn't you be educated. >> what's the education? who knows -- >> love conquers all. >> so romantic. >> this just in. i think americans say this crackdown on nsa spying just ain't happening.
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the president's reforming us but americans not boying. 73% think the president's changes to the national security agency program won't make much of a gives when it comes to protecting their privacy, and kennedy agrees. you have been saying that all
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along, this isn't much to write home about. >> not much. the nice thing is the american public has caught on. there were many nuances in the president's speech and a lot of layers. if you watched the speech or read the text, he was trying to sound like there was a lot going on to protect people's privacy. the nice thing is people are paying attention because this is an important issue. this is one of those things, it's not going to go away gently. the conversation about national security, about edward snowden, continues to grow, and people think there's a massive smoking gun or hidden conspiracy, which there might be, but the important thing is the government has to be more transparent, more honest, and people are -- they're catching on to the idea that perhaps they are violating the constitution. >> you're a very big libertarian. so tread softly. and the argument for this kind of stuff is what we need too do
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to keep us safe. with all of this instances not once did they stop the bad traditional methods stopped the bad guys. >> do we know that? >> that's what we're told. >> we're told by people who have put these safe guards, these systems in place, who are not necessarily trustworthy. >> i'm saying i don't think they have done that. we have done all this elaborate book keeping for nothing. >> perhaps we have done it for nothing, but the point is we shouldn't be doing it in the first place. >> what is a little bit pregnant on thit stuff? >> that's an interesting question. >> i ask them all the time. >> that's what i like about you. you're a hero to many for that reason and many others. >> you, too. >> thank you, neil. we were talking to an nsa expert last night who is one of these pro-defense people, and he said, so you think we should just cut out the nsa. >> where would you draw the line? i hear the military types say
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you want another 9/11? you just opened the door. >> i don't think you have opened the door to another 9/11. even if you are a civil libertarian, you still want a safe country. there are ways of doing that without gathering all of this metadata. there are ways of doing that without the vast nets. >> don't you think it makes it more likely now and easier to to do? >> a lot easier to do. that's why you had all the titans of the tech industry going to the white house when it was supposed to be a photo-op on obama care. they said, no, we're going to talk about the nsa. we're going to talk about surveillance. the warrants and the information you're gathering from us that we cannot tell our customers about because it's affecting their bottom line. they need -- >> even if they have to agree to this, i'm an expert because i have seen a lot of james bond movies, and bond never stops doing what he's doing.
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i think the nsa, they'll keep doing what they're doing. >> i think they can -- again, we have no way of knowing that. and you know, when you have people like dianne feinstein and mike rogers at the fore, you know, spreading new conspiracy theories about snowsnowden, it doesn't make me feel better. >> do you see him as a hero? >> that's funny. we asked ron paul, who is a tried and true libertarian, and many people in the liberty movement look up to him. he said he is a hero. there are many who say, no, he is a traitor. michael hayden said he should be put on a kill list. i'm one of these people who think he broke the law. he had a job he was supposed to do. i think he's more of a whistle blower, i certainly do, but do i think he should be put on a kill list? no. >> all right, kennedy, thanks very much. co-host a great show, on the independents. you have to watch it. fox business network. catch it at 9:00.
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finally, they say that time heals all wounds, but sometimes it can reopen them, too. like if you have lost a loved one and you don't think you'll ever be the same because you miss them so much, but you trudge on, until years later, something hits you in the gut again. it could be a photograph or a letter and it brings it all back. it happened to me, more than two decades after my dad died, the cousin sends me a package. in it, really old pictures of my dad she had found in our aunt's storage trunk, and a letter my dad wrote to his mom while he was serving in england in world war ii. i was stunned. i couldn't put them down. i had never, ever seen them, or these other photographs of my dad with a very irish looking
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woman who he would later marry and i would later call mom. before me, before my brother, before my sisters, before beginning a new life, then getting sick later in life, then ultimately, both of them slipping the bonds of life. here, here they were just starting life. my parents, little more than kids frozen in time, and for me, stopped in time. reminding me after all these years how much i miss them. how much i wished i could share one more laugh with them, one more story with them, one more minute with them. but the ending is always the same. the reality always unaltered. they're gone. those moments are, too. i guess what's got me waxing nostalgic on this day are all of these latest images, a bunch of them, including recordings popping up everywhere concerning incidents we thought long
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finished. tempting our images and memories again. pictures just released never before seen of the space shuttle "challenger" 28 years after that fatal flight. new images of john kennedy in the dallas motorcade 50 years after that fateful day, and sound, actual sound, never before released of martin luther king addressing a group in new york before a slightly more memorable address to a larger group in washington. >> that is but one way to commemorate the emanlspation proclamation. that is to make its declaration s a freedom reel. to reach back to the origins of our nation when our message of equality electrified an unfree world and reaffirmed democracy by beings as bold and daring as the issuance of the emancipation
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proclamation. >> from the grave, like he was speaking out. like the "challenger" astronauts are still alive now. like john kennedy might have dodged the bullets that were seconds away from hitting him. but they're not with us now. they're all gone now. like my parents. all memories now. i still don't know if it's a good thing or a bad thing to get fresh reminders of pain you thought long subsided, but i suspect it is better than glossing over all the wonderful memories that preceding their passing less they be long forgotten, because it's painful to look at, but i always want another look.
2:00 pm
hello, everyone. i'll kimberly guilfoyle along with bob beckel, eric bolling, dana perino, and greg gutfield. it's 5:00 in new york city, and this is "the five." well, he's one of the best corner backs in the nfl, but now, seattle seahawk richard sherman is one of the infamous, too, after this side show on the sidelines sunday. >> final play, take me through it. >> well, i'm the best corner in the game. when you try me with a sorry receiver like crabtree, that's the result you're going to get. don't you ever talk about me? >> who was talking about you? >> crabtree, don't you open your mouth about the best our i'll shut it


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